amongst others...this is the things that i deadly wanted and of course, at the top of my wishlist!!
a pure white ARABIAN? for endurance race? stallion? mares?
oh me!!
when will i get this beautiful creatures of The Merciful?!!?
where do i find RM80,000?
kui kui kui...
and if i could ever find 80 k(not saying i could, not in this nearest time), where do i find 3k every month to support it?
kuang kuang kuang...
how to cope the killer maintenance fees?feeding, supplements..treatments...equipments and other 'ments' lagi lah!
anyway....check it out...and tell me it is too much to dreamt for it all day all night?
the white is mine and the bay is hubby's.wat a dream!
they are unresistable

beautiful and great performers!

don u feel to have one?adn put in ur closet! ha ha, i do!
lil' info about ARABIAN horses :
- one of the oldest known breed of horse, originated in the ancient deserts of middle east.
- in Islamic perspective...this breed evolved since the year of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W, 7Th century AD and he and "sahabat" used to ride Arabian as means of transport as well as to bring in war!He also proclaimed that Allah had created the Arabian, and that those who treated the horse well would be rewarded in the afterlife
- athletic talents in a variety of disciplines from English to Western, with the Arabian positioned as the undisputed champion of endurance events.
- differences from other breed / characteristics of Arab : large, lustrous, wide-set eyes on a broad forehead; small, curved ears; and large, efficient nostrils.a.k.a disc face
-good for endurance race becoz they naturally evolved from dry and hot place, In these harsh desert conditions Arabian were gifted with its large lung capacity and incredible endurance by ALLAH almighty.
sum more : its funny how kelantanese describes these breed with only two word :
ekor congek(rising tail) & muka lentik(disc face)!!
they can easily identify arab using these two characteristics. ha ha ha. even pakcik2 kat kampung pun kenal kuda arab.
actually, arabian horse in kelantan had took place in early 2000. few horse breeders bought an stallion arabian and provide mating services to expand the breed and producing cross breed horses. usually they cross it with thoroughbred or local kelantan poni bred.
the results happens to be even greater in performance but less in appearance. cross arab does not herit so much on face and body shape, they only maintain the rising tail when they run.and sumtimes the size will be bigger or smaller, depends on the mare's size.
dapat yg ni pun cukup dah...for this coming birthday...couple weeks ahead

kuda puteh jugak...gila putih sgt kan...
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