syukran to ALLAH swt coz had give the best ever examiners for our group.all the efforts were paid!
one of the examiner is in Economic field while the other is in AD.
last nite i messed up the financial plan(the most important part in the proposal :p)
thank god the examiners does not ask much on it as i admit my mistake. he says "i understand, its ok and it is actually good bacause at least u tried and thanx 4 ur honesty"...omg...baiknyer dier...adakah markah juga akn baik?
dunno yet..
but im so glad for compliments on our samples and replicas.
the AD examiners shows appreciation on my self-developed model. maybe not artistic enough but the model brought some differences and highlighted our project.
to all my members, financial manager, marketing manager and operation manager....kita tunggu result nya guys...!
waiting for our turn
this will end up at the examiner's office. he wanted it damn much
thanx arn!!