Sunday, November 29, 2009
al-kisahnye tukang sembelih....
lmbat sket kan? ignore hu..xsempat nk online dah seminggu...buzy sket bila waris2 berkumpul nieyh...! heh heh...lg dpt sponsor drpd my bro in law & family utk 1 bhgn lembu korban...thanx ya!
pagi raya hubby need to slaughter 3 cattle, 3 more on the next day and 3 more on the 3rd day....kesian dia...sakit belikat.
sumer tuan lembu tu waris dia...sepupu, anak sepupu, dua pupu, pak sepupu, tiga pupu, pendek kata kupu-kupu dia ler sumer nye. sebab tu x tergamak nk refuse biler diorang suh sembelih tu....ape2 pun...panadol extend membantu jugak...kui kui kui...
yg jadik sakit tu bukan aper...kebanyakan tuan lembu n kakitangan nya xtau cara2 yg betul utk rebahkan my hubby tunjukkan lah cara nak belit tali kt badan lembu, pastu tarik dari arah yg betul, lepas lembu dah jatuh tu boleh pulak bdk2 tu lepas tali! hape lg, bgn balik ler lembu tu...adoi.sepatutnyer bile lembu dah jatuh p la ikat kaki dia pastu silang, baru ler xbergerak dah...
orang tua2 kata buat baik berpada2 sebab ini lah...bila dah sekor berjaya direbahkan mr hubby dgn yg lain2 pun diorang suh dia buat la....ada ka patut dia ckp..."ha, VET kita kan ada bg dia la buat, dia tu expert!" kepala otak pak cik.orang nak tunjuk contoh jer....nak suh yg mude2 tu blajar. bile lg kan?
tp alhamdulillah...berkat kerjasama semuanya berjalan lancar....dan peti ais di rumah sy pun dipenuhi dgn daging2, tulang2 dan hati lembu pemberian orang kepada tukang sembelih...
asal cerita my hubby jadi tukang sembelih ni....mcm ni, dulu ada sorang pakcik tukang sembelih ni, dia ni agak tersohor la kat area situ, pandai sembelih lembu, xberbau daging lembu/kambing yg disembelihnya...satu tahun tu, masa raya haji...pakcik ni ikut turn tau gi sembelih, pastu smpai turn umah hubby ni, tali utk rebahkan lembu, xcukup sebab tali yg guna last year dah tali baru sedang dlm perjalanan drpd kedai cina yg satu2 nyer bukak aritu...lmbt sket la...pakcik ni demand tau, terus die merajuk n balik...dia ckp xnak sembelih kt tempat yg xcukup keperluan. lepas tu sumer orang dumbfounded dgn perlakuan pakcik tu...dah kul 10 pg dah...lembu xsembelih lg...dan JENG JENG JENG masa kritikal ni la my hubby became a hero dgn menawarkan khidmat sembelihan nya yg xbertauliah lagi x diyakini ramai itu...bidang terjun le katakan...die cekalkan hati walau pun dipandang rendah oleh org2 tua di kampung itu....dan FINALLY, berjaya tumbangkan lsekor lembu dgn jayanya....start drpd tahun tu la die yg sembelih lembu bile hari raya hu.
xpandai xape, asal minat tu ade...kebetulan die dlm bidang veterinar dah,sikit sebyk dia tau behaviour lembu...
tamat la sudah al-kisahnyer tukang sembelih....
Sunday, November 22, 2009
kwang kwang kwang...
propa jer...
the truth is we were just stay at home for the whole day and having nasik bungkus satu, kongsi dua org! kitorang demam u'olls!!
hr sabtu tu, teman ler mr.hubby g wat treatment kekudaan ni....punya la lasak meredah hujan...
exploring the rain to finish deworming and vitamin injection 15 ponies in sum, at three different places.
some of them were never get shot, so they bolted...and that requires high patience.
i captured couple of videos but dunno how to upload. he he he.
sesape tau ajar le....bleh share coz i have plenty of it!
wat so ever...we've been married for...1,2,3...yes!!!
3 years!
ALHAMDULILLAH...may this sacred relationship last eternally.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
my present ... : p
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
sweet 20!

then i'll wait till tonight la

Sunday, November 15, 2009
i've been kissed
on hold
so...langkah terbaik, hold jap blogging.
biasela...dis is the price i have to pay for being sumbody's wife...
its allrite.
bloggers out there, enjoy ur single blogging moment k!!
finished the last paper yesterday....
can't believe that i've already end my dip!
wooo hoooo!!!
i'm gonna celebrate my birthday on 18th.
we are going to be 3 years in marriage on 22nd.
mama's birthday will be on 26th.
aidiladha on 27th.
such a nice november for me...
Monday, November 9, 2009
top on the list!!
amongst others...this is the things that i deadly wanted and of course, at the top of my wishlist!!
a pure white ARABIAN? for endurance race? stallion? mares?
oh me!!
when will i get this beautiful creatures of The Merciful?!!?
where do i find RM80,000?
kui kui kui...
and if i could ever find 80 k(not saying i could, not in this nearest time), where do i find 3k every month to support it?
kuang kuang kuang...
how to cope the killer maintenance fees?feeding, supplements..treatments...equipments and other 'ments' lagi lah!
anyway....check it out...and tell me it is too much to dreamt for it all day all night?
the white is mine and the bay is hubby's.wat a dream!
they are unresistable

beautiful and great performers!

don u feel to have one?adn put in ur closet! ha ha, i do!
lil' info about ARABIAN horses :
- one of the oldest known breed of horse, originated in the ancient deserts of middle east.
- in Islamic perspective...this breed evolved since the year of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W, 7Th century AD and he and "sahabat" used to ride Arabian as means of transport as well as to bring in war!He also proclaimed that Allah had created the Arabian, and that those who treated the horse well would be rewarded in the afterlife
- athletic talents in a variety of disciplines from English to Western, with the Arabian positioned as the undisputed champion of endurance events.
- differences from other breed / characteristics of Arab : large, lustrous, wide-set eyes on a broad forehead; small, curved ears; and large, efficient nostrils.a.k.a disc face
-good for endurance race becoz they naturally evolved from dry and hot place, In these harsh desert conditions Arabian were gifted with its large lung capacity and incredible endurance by ALLAH almighty.
sum more : its funny how kelantanese describes these breed with only two word :
ekor congek(rising tail) & muka lentik(disc face)!!
they can easily identify arab using these two characteristics. ha ha ha. even pakcik2 kat kampung pun kenal kuda arab.
actually, arabian horse in kelantan had took place in early 2000. few horse breeders bought an stallion arabian and provide mating services to expand the breed and producing cross breed horses. usually they cross it with thoroughbred or local kelantan poni bred.
the results happens to be even greater in performance but less in appearance. cross arab does not herit so much on face and body shape, they only maintain the rising tail when they run.and sumtimes the size will be bigger or smaller, depends on the mare's size.
dapat yg ni pun cukup dah...for this coming birthday...couple weeks ahead

kuda puteh jugak...gila putih sgt kan...
just pray for the best...dpt b+ pun da good enough...
tu la...careless whisper ops careless jwb exam...soalan tanyer laen tp jwb laen...
hu waaa...nk nangis nieyh!
its good to have ur own blog...where you can expressed everything...sumtimes it is good to write than speak!
arrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!! puan me! @!#%@()_^@##!#$@%*&#^%$#$))(*&%!@@@#?>:"{{@#%^*%^?>:"{/.,';-=+!!@%^&)&^()<>?['/;]
okay..back to normal.ready for killer paper on 15th.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
4th paper
i'll sit for my 4th paper at 2pm this noon!
wish me luck...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
bucket bag!!!

whitey whitey

dis one is from chloe...luv the dim colors

patchwork black, very nice!!

dis one is from burberry..surely on the list becoz of the horse print!
my old black default beg which i've been using for 300 days need to be changed.
i want a new bag! n it will be the bucket bag!!
kalo ade sesape tau kt mane nk beli beg yg sejibik sebijik mcm ni sila email sy yer...
public holiday in kelantan..
erm, wat does it got to do wit me?cuti xcuti samer jer...still need to study for tomorrow's paper. kwang kwang kwang...
hr ni x ujan...naseb baekkk...kalo x, besuk kena pinjam 4WD la nk g machang.
kalo air naik, jln akn ditutup utk kenderaan i need a bigger vehicle...
ni la antara sebab utama aku nak benda alah kt bwh ni ;

santekkk sgt!! kuda putih idamanku...

the price is around RM200 000+- (if im not mistaken)
Friday, November 6, 2009
mi coleccion del caballo
"My Horse Collection"

these jewelleries are only part of my whole collection(sounds like i hv loads of it. kui kui kui) all of them were bought by mr.hubby in argentine, when he was there competing a world cup qualification ride in 2008
**pic credited to my official photographer @ my marketing manager = Mohd syazwan kamarul baharin. thanx wawan**
rain fall heavily....lastly, we did not stop by at any warung coz most of the fav closed caused of flood.
then, mr hubby waited for about 3 hours until i finished my exam...on the way home, we were blocked by rising water on the usual road we used to take to get home : ketereh.
oh no!! lets think of another alternatives...its already 12 noon, he will need to go for jumaat prayer in an hour. "ling, lets try pasir puteh," its okay to be far a bit as long as we reach home safely.then we headed to pasir puteh....half way to p.p we were beamed by driver on the opposite road. "i hv a bad feeling bout dis laling"..."its okay la yang, they beamed at the car behind us la"....then we go straight, few hundreds metres front, many cars had made u-turns and then we saw the level of the water on the road! we made a u-turn also. heading back to machang. its 12.40, planning to stop by his brother's house at pangkal meleret to solat. unfortunately, his brother wasnt at home!
jeng jeng jeng
then we head to tanah merah, trying dis last options to get back to kota bharu...
"its darurat today yang, i think i have to skip the solat jumaat la"...i replied, "its okay la getting hungry, why not find sumtin' to eat first?"..."okay" he said. then, tinggg! i remember there is a good nasi kandar restaurant near the traffic light in bandar tanah merah.
we decided to stop there. our luck to stop by the right day where they made nasi beriani on thursday, friday, saturday and on public holiday. it is our rezki to have nasi beriani as our lunch! unplanned! mr.hubby loves it...
then we continue driving and reach home at 3pm. very tiring, mr.hubby got backache coz been sitting for 7am-3pm.
at 6pm we watch news on tv saying that few places in kelantan were sinking in risning water.luckily we get to pass tanah merah coz right after that they close the road to light vehicles!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
ujan lg...
wow! i love exploring rain of the best way to release tension(for dummies coz u'll be damn sick after that)...its okay to be unwell a lil bit..i got sum1 who can take good care of me...ha ha ha...
i had a rain shower once, and he stood at the door yelling at me "babe wat r u doin there in the middle of this strong rain?come inside quickly! u will get fever if u don't...!" and i said " i knew, honey...don't imuned from the rain. i used to have this shower since i was 3"...he shook his head and shut the door.
and then...the fever does'nt take long after that, only 3 hours after that my temp rised to 39. and im badly shaking in my blanket, with my husband hugging me and blabbering as well...kui kui kui...and the most precious word is..."u r imuned rite?"
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
release tension!
luckily i have the CURE...
everyone should hv dis lil' massager at home
look at the variation
my best companion so far...
okey..lepas ngurut2 ni kita tgk nk wat per plak...jeng..jeng..jeng!
ha! nk menjahit...dear readers dont be shock coz i am a daughter of a taylor...dan sy dibesarkan di atas pola2 dan dasar2 wonder lah sy tau fesyen! satu lg,sy dah kalis menggunakan pembaris 'L' dan tali inci coz these things used to be my present when i was lilttle and naughty.
cuma....xboleh potong kain. boleh jait jer...kui kui kui...
bola vs endurance

TARIKH : 06 - 08 NOVEMBER 2009

my mum is planning to watch final match Piala Malaysia. gathering will be at my sis's house at subang. i can imagine the excitement if i could come.
i hv sumtin else in my mind. from 6th Nov there will be a Sultan's Cup Championship...the most grand annual event in endurance race. it will be held at Lembah Bidong, hv been a year since we(me n hubby) attend any races.
actually after the world cup, we havent attend any event yet. he was busy with the promotion, transfer to new office....and i kept busying my self with my dip...
in fact, wat did we get for attending an event that we are deeply in love with, without being part of it? dissapointment and unsatisfied. we could not stand to see other people unite with their horse trying to complete the race when at the same time we have no ability to compete!! the spirit is torturing us from inside!
xkan nak telan liur jer??!!
syukran to ALLAH swt coz had give the best ever examiners for our group.all the efforts were paid!
one of the examiner is in Economic field while the other is in AD.
last nite i messed up the financial plan(the most important part in the proposal :p)
thank god the examiners does not ask much on it as i admit my mistake. he says "i understand, its ok and it is actually good bacause at least u tried and thanx 4 ur honesty"...omg...baiknyer dier...adakah markah juga akn baik?
dunno yet..
but im so glad for compliments on our samples and replicas.
the AD examiners shows appreciation on my self-developed model. maybe not artistic enough but the model brought some differences and highlighted our project.
to all my members, financial manager, marketing manager and operation manager....kita tunggu result nya guys...!
waiting for our turn
this will end up at the examiner's office. he wanted it damn much
Sunday, November 1, 2009
memories...2006 n 2007
wat unite us...luv from the deepest part of my heart!! we were riding in the ISTANA NEGERI horses section. he ride a stallion named mistic du colombier a.k.a Al-Sakb n i ride Sagamic - a purely white mare
an argentina ride-in qualifying for World Endurance Champs 2009. representing malaysia
the mini prize giving ceremony-he was in 5th place(left)
ready to go-Edaran Endurance Classic 2006, Ar Raudhah Equine Center Kuang, Selangor
on the ride. wat a mess! with the headlamp, raincoat, just a litle heavy rainfall lah! lol...:)
these are my three besties, act, they were. one died, one sold, one took over by sum1 else. from left: Portos, Kaita De Bruddour, Kiss De Kerilly(the one i ride on above pics)...till we meet again guys...:(