Wednesday, January 5, 2011

kucing pembuka bicara 2011

mommy & kitties
fisrt entry for 2011, lets read my ramblings about my pet.

i handed over my kitty today. i had to. owwhh! GOD! such an awful feeling.
i hate this feeling. its only 4 hours ago, but i already missing it like crazy.

the story begins with ;
last friday, me and my asben went to his parents house, just to spend weekend with them, like usual. on half way there, our manager called and asked to borrow slaughter knife from my asben.(as he has the sharpest knife,like, ever! which he used when he was in-charge at JPV's Slaughter House)
since we are not home and our chalet is not locked, my asben told our manager to go in and pick that knife by himself(he wants to slaughter an ostrich, which has been infected with mouth disease but the meat is still eatable ; no harm at all.. :P). settled.

today, around 12pm, when we are going for lunch, our manager stopped us on the driveway, just to tell a story about his dead kitty at home, which belongs to her daughter and how she could'nt stop crying after knowing her cat is dead. at first me & asben was quite wondering "what the heck, he is telling all this stuff to us?" and that, is full of feeling. like all his heart-ed.

and then turn to me, right into my face and said " can i have one of your kitties? as replacement for the dead kitty, please..please..."

and i went "ok. sure, no problems. you can have it when they are grown up enough to be separated from their mother." ->alasan semata2. dalam pala otak 'bila dorang cukup umur je aku nak eksport balik rumah Nenek Mama'

he replied " when will that be?"

me "another month, maybe. because they are just a month old now. still depends on breastfeed to survive"

and then, he came out with this sentence, more like making his own decision ; saying, "its too long. i can't stand watching my girl grieving every single day anymore. why don't you give it to me right now, because i had bottles at home, which i used for my previous kitty. and i can get formulated milk for them."

me & asben had a glimpse towards each other, and my asben know i've trapped with my own excuses.
lastly he said "B, go & get that miaw to him lah."

and then my manager said "oh, i want the orangey-one. the one wit thick hair"

aku jeling jer at dia. ngada2 pulak orang tua nih! -> dalam hati jer...

and then maybe dia xpuas hati & takot mex bagi yang huduh2 kat dia, dia ikut mex naik atas chalet mex, and staright to the cat's cage. kebetulan tengah tidoq semua nya, mex pun amek bawak kuar yang available sekor tu(depa suma 4 beradik, satu kami nak, satu gardener nak,and satu lagi penjaga kuda nak). ada la oren2 sikit. campur tompok2 putih. ke putih campur tompok oren? entah! ape2 la.

dia pun, apa lagi suka lah dapat yang tu. apa tidaknya, comel gila muka yang tu. bulu pun lebat, cuma ekor dia jer bergulung2 macam kek gulung. kami laki-bini letak nama dia Spiral. kena kenan masa mak dia peknen dulu tak...masa tu tuan dia selalu try & error trifle. so, lebihan kek gulung tu bagi tucen2 ni makan.

jangan terkejut. tucen kami makan almost anything, pendek kata "you name it, they eat it "
durian, goreng pisang, lollipop, kek, mentimun, tembikai,aiskrim(especially vanilla), mushroom, roti canai, cheezy wedges, etc...sampai esok pun tak habis cerita pasal makanan penyodok buruk nih

kaitan nya dengan cerita dia naik amek pisau atas chalet kami aritu, rupa2 nya bukan stakat amek pisau jer, tapi sempat lagi tinjau pet kami!! sebab tu demand nak yang oren lah , hape lah. kalau xkenangkan anak dia, memang xmau bagi dah. tapi kesian kat budak pompuan tu, sbb dia ada penyakit, xtau ape, name, tapi dia jadi xbley cakap, jalan...fikir2 balik, bagus jugak, buat kebajikan. hu hu.

anak sulong - Two Toned (101 dalmatians inspired name) ni kami punya. very the lemah lembut & sopan lady. dia gurau lembut2 jer...last2 terperosok ke tepi dinding sbb yg lain gurau kasar.

anak kedua -Spiral (yg ni lah yang di adopt tadi) yg paling besar, aktif, cergas, nakal etc

no 3 - Bekham(sbb ekor dia no7, mcm jersi beckham pakai dulu)

ni yg last & paling kecik skali tapi paling kuat makan. nama Elf (sbb telinga dia macam elf)

comel kan si Spiral nie?tengok muka dua beradik ni, jauh berbeza antara satu sama lain.

P/S ; don't let stranger enter your home!!! they might ask for your cute kitties!!

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