Saturday, January 8, 2011

horsiey home deco

*3 serangkai yang gojes rupa, gojes harga. xsampai pun 12 hengget suma nih.
tp yang kecik tu gambar terbalik, perasan tak?

*model paksa rela

i adore cowboy stuff like these.
anyway, I like all horse prints on almost anything. even cutleries, stationeries, toiletries, undergarments etc...
cakap aje ape benda, eatable or not, touchable or not, ans sometimes that prints does not necessarily be the real horse, but stuff related to it.
like horse bits, stirrups, saddles, riding boots, carriage, polo sticks, horseshoes etc..
few major designers also uses horsie-thingy as their brand's landmark.
contohnya Coach, Gucci, Burberry, Levi's
selain daripada yang obviously carry horseman image and produce riding gears such as Polo Ralph Lauren, La Martina etc...

I wish to decorate my home according to cowboy or country or english theme. someday.
I like rustic white furniture.
I want to design my house like the old farm house, with modern (horsey themed) equipments.

ade sape2 paham tak? menda apa saya mengarut nih?
entah la!


  1. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    Selamat Tahun Baru Dengan Azam Baru
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara
    Salam Sebuah persahabatan....
    Terima kasih atas kembara ziarah maya”

    Halamak sebenarnya lama sangat lahhh tak ziarah kat sini.... banyak sangat yang tertinggal lahhh...

    adoiiii maaf sorry ampun yerrrr

    aku harap lepas ni dapat merapatkan kembali jalinan blog kita...
