so long been keeping wanted things awayyyy from this blog.
today i'll tell a part of my wishlist that can be tell to people.(another part is private & confidential)
one thing in short, my wishlist is mostly about LEARNing.
so let's start sneaking my list.
first of all, I wish I could...

learn archery. join the horseback archer club.
there is one in Malaysia.
yes! they exist!
i already surveyed them.
and dreamed to be part of Malaysia Horseback Archery
and it's a sunnah!

continue my degree yang tertunggak tuh.
tapi bukan dalam bidang tu lagi la...
i'm considering few uni's now.
and also figuring out how to get fund to support my study.
incik asben...ada dengar tak ni?
hi hi
saya suka belajar dan saya bercita2 tinggi.tiada apa akan jadi penghalang saya nak sambung study. not even pokai, not even married, not even old.
saya nak pergi graduation sendiri banyak2.
daripada regular shape mortal board tu sampai la yang bulat tu, jubah biasa dan jubah labuh warna2 saya nak pakai semua.
(*PhD student pakai yg bulat. jakun, xtahu nama apa.)
mek jenin berangan.
lagi satu, kot2 nak g endurance competition kat UAE ke, Qatar ke...
takder la jakun sangat bila tok arab tegur boleh balas.
wah. mek jenin lagi.

kot2 ade taukeh cina nak ambik keja la kan...patutnya dah lama start.
**kot2 la orang nak bawak g shopping kat China ke.
eh jap, negara China guna 114 bahasa kan?

ni xpenting sangat. (can you believe it, not important thing in the list?)
ok, it's ed hardy.
need to put more coin in the piggy bank.
and by the time my piggy bank can afford this, it will be vintage.
good. the aesthetic value.
that is all. no. not all. part of it.
my wishlist does not really concern buying things.
but still, need a lot of money.
maybe you can shop till drop with that money uses in my future learning program.
i surveyed an Open Uni, they charge RM3k and above per semester.
RM3000 you can buy a Louis Vuitton purse already what.
or get a bunch of clothes in a cheaper brand outlet.