have u guys ever think, how blessed we are to be given complete set of sense along with our body?
during the class dis evening, my lecturer for cataloguing subject told something that makes me speechless, as well as grateful!
she said that her left eye is not functioning at all(did'nt tell since when).
her vision is just through her right eye only!!
and then, i just realised her left eye is quite blur...
she really had problems with her eye....the one functioning eye need an assistant from glassess that the power reach 1000!
and she decided not to frightened anybody with using that glasses that the thickness could make me cry.........!
she is currently wearing contact lenses in class.
she was told by the doctor who treated her that she will lost her vision soon.
oh my god! Almighty ALLAH!
she even made a joke on it, that she is currently attending keyboard class so that when she turn blind, she will sing along with keyboard at central market!!
could any of us made a joke like that?
she is so tough, regardless her tiny miny body and voice!
Puan Rosnita Shahran....u r memorable.
what kinda feeling she has to live the life with the due of her vision.
dis make me very grateful that i have a purrrfeck eyes!
but soon enough i realised it was lent by ALLAH s.w.t and he could take it back anytime he want.
is'nt it?