Tuesday, August 17, 2010

rezeki Ramadhan AL-Mubarak

always believe dis. everything that happened, happens with a reason.
sooner or later...the reason @ hikmah beyond it will be revealed.
just Sabar....
yesterday, i made an entry about my missing kittens, one found dead and another one possibly dead in my backyard barn.
and today, right at 12 noon {dokter} came home and ask me to follow him to Pasir Pekan, he received a call asking for a horse treatment.

who knows, my rezeki today, the owner of the horse also have almost 50 cats vary in breed, he got siamese, persian and also bengals.

well, nak dijadikan cerita...one of his bengal jumped accros the place i was standing and i suddenly & histerically shouted "Masha ALLAH, this cat is so cute! abg, look at this."
and everybody turned to me right away.
and i don't know, maybe the owner was shock with my response to his cat; he said, "Oh, that cat, he is nice, u can have it if u want it."

(actually i am shock to the maximum bcoz bengals are damn expensive breed and rarely people keep it like kucing kampung..ya know..berkeliaran sana sini, not in a cage. and maybe the expression of my face made the owner think i want that cat?te ehe he he)
and then i said ; "Reeaaallyy?" with an unbelievable glance. well, it can't be that easy to give expensive pet to people.
he says ;" yes, of course, take it home. i actually got two more, his brother and pregnant sister, but i can't find it now, maybe somewhere out there, or hiding in the bushes."
and I ; "Pregnant? female cat? u mean u have female bengal?"
he ; "yes. but they are not here right now, i'll keep it in cages for you when they return home this evening. and i'll call you to come pick it up., for now take this little boy dulu lah. dia aje ade kat rumah."
I ; stood there with my mouth wide open. "owhh..okay. anytime."...tersengeh2. and they took a guni and put my cat in. tied. and into my Satria.
{dokter} shook his head with my attitude and just smiling sarcastically.
p/s I love You: two kittens are now replaced. not my rezeki yet to have a pair. but as the owner promised, he will give me one more female bengal. Alhamdulillah...