did u ever think...
why we always love the rains? why we just start humming a tune for no reason why the waves on our feet makes us feel free why our restless feet takes us to new destinations
these are signs
that tells us
all that we need is
why someone can make ur heart skip a beat why the scent of someone, lingers on in ur breath why do lips quiver, unable to say that his hesitation, he is expressing his need for
love... did u ever think?
did u ever think?
now u do know that...
why we always love the rains? why we just start humming a tune for no reason why the waves on our feet makes us feel free why our restless feet takes us to new destinations
these are signs
that tells us
all that we need is
why someone can make ur heart skip a beat why the scent of someone, lingers on in ur breath why do lips quiver, unable to say that his hesitation, he is expressing his need for
love... did u ever think?
did u ever think?
now u do know that...